The Gilston Area and the Government’s ‘Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities’ Prospectus
Minute 58 refers
Additional documents:
RESOLVED - that (A) the content of the Government’s prospectus on “Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities” be noted; and
(B) preparation and submission
of an expression of interest for Government support in relation to
the Gilston Area as a Garden Town, be
(see also Minute 177)
The Gilston Area and the Government’s ‘Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities’ Prospectus
Minute 2 refers
Additional documents:
The Executive considered the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 24 May 2016, on the Gilston Area and the Government’s “Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities” Prospectus.
The Head of Planning and Building Control updated the Executive on the outcome of a recent meeting with Epping Forest and Harlow Councils, which had supported an expression of interest for a garden town. He emphasised that this would not prejudice the Council’s forthcoming decisions on site allocations within the District Plan.
The Executive supported this approach.
RECOMMENDED - that (A) the content of the Government’s prospectus on “Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities” be noted; and
(B) preparation and submission of an expression of
interest for Government support in relation to the Gilston Area as a Garden Town, be
(see also Minute 75)
Additional documents:
The Panel considered a report detailing the Government’s recently published prospectus on garden villages, town and cities and sought support for the preparation and submission of an expression of interest in relation to the Gilston Area and the likely funding and technical expertise the Council could receive to help progress development from the plan making stage through to implementation.
There were two options open to the Council in this regard. The first was to apply for support for a garden village of between 1,500 to 10,000 new homes. The second option was to work in partnership with both Harlow and Epping Forest District Councils in order to submit an expression of interest for a garden town of over 10,000 dwellings. The Gilston Area, in itself, would not qualify for garden town status. However, given that further development around Harlow might be proposed by neighbouring authorities within their Local Plans, a joint bid covering the wider Harlow area might be appropriate.
In response to Members’ comments and questions, Officers explained the “narrow window” in which to submit an expression of interest. A bid for a garden village would need to be submitted by 31 July 2016. There was no time limit for the submission of an expression of interest in relation to a garden town. However, it was likely that there would be a limit in terms of how many schemes the Government would be willing to support. Therefore, the sooner an expression of interest was submitted, the more likely it would receive support. The Officer stated that the submission of an expression of interest would not prejudice the Council’s position in relation to whether or not to support the inclusion of the Gilston Area within the forthcoming Publication version of the District Plan.
In response to Members’ comments and questions, Officers clarified that the Council’s objectively assessed housing need up to 2033 was for 745 homes per year. It was the view of Officers that the Gilston Area should be allocated within the District Plan in order to deliver 10,000 homes within the current plan period and beyond.
The Panel Chairman explained that this was an important step and would give the Council access to expertise and funding. She confirmed that regardless of working with other Authorities, whatever East Herts built in the District, would count towards East Herts’ housing requirement.
The Panel supported the recommendations, as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED - that (A) the content of the Government’s prospectus on “Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities” be noted;
(B) preparation and submission
of an expression of interest for Government support in relation to
the Gilston Area either as a garden,
village or garden town, be supported; and
(C) the
Executive determine the basis of the submission in terms of whether
this be as a garden, village or garden town.