309 Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 117 KB
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The Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee submitted a report reviewing the Committee’s work programme for 2016/17. The Scrutiny Officer advised that the report on Air Quality Management areas would be submitted to the meeting on 14 March 2017 instead of 15 November 2016.
The Scrutiny Officer advised that this would result in a number of substantial items for the March 2017 meeting. The Environmental Health Promotion Officer said his report on the East Herts Health and Wellbeing Funded projects could be moved to November 2016. He asked the Committee if they still wished to receive this report in light of the change of status of the Committee from a Panel. Members confirmed that they did and that they would be happy to receive the report in November 2016. It was noted that the Chairman and Scrutiny Officer would further review the agenda for the March 2017 meeting.
The Scrutiny Officer asked who would be invited to update on the Mental Health Day. It was confirmed that the Council’s Member Champion on Mental Health, Councillor P Moore, would be invited to provide a report in March 2017. The Chairman encouraged Members to attend East Herts Council’s Mental Health day on 9 October 2016 at Hertford Theatre. Members approved the work programme, as now amended.
RESOLVED – that the work programme, as now amended, be agreed.