Issue - meetings

Progress Report - Shared Service with NHDC: Waste and Street Cleansing

Meeting: 23/02/2016 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 595)

595 Waste and Street Cleansing Contract - Future Service Considerations pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space submitted a report seeking the establishment of a Task and Finish Group which would advise on the future objectives and outcomes expected from the Waste and Street Cleansing Contract.  The Head of Environmental Services and Leisure provided a summary of the report.


The Chairman explained the composition of the Task and Finish Group and asked that expressions of interest be forwarded to the Scrutiny Officer who would co-ordinate matters.


The Committee agreed the recommendation, as detailed.


RESOLVED – that a Task and Finish Group comprising of 5 or 6 Members be set up to consider the future objectives and strategic outcomes for the next waste and street cleansing contract.