Issue - meetings

Outcome of Audits on Markets

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 640)

640 Town Centre Markets pdf icon PDF 292 KB

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The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report providing information and context on the importance of markets in contributing to town centre vibrancy.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy apologised that the full audit report was not included as it had only just been completed.  He outlined the suggestions, conclusions and action plan of the audit in respect of the markets.  He undertook to circulate this with a management response at a later date.


Councillors D Hollebon, G Cutting and G Jones mentioned that they were Members of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council which was now responsible for Bishop’s Stortford market.  The Economic Development Manager responded to a query from Councillor D Oldridge by explaining the history of why the District’s markets were held on different days of the week.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy explained that the legislation which governed the operation of Charter markets was complicated and archaic.


Members debated at length the issue of markets trading on specific days of the week and the implications for the viability of each individual market and the market traders.  Councillor G Cutting commented that the traders travelled round the markets and he felt that the days when they operated should be left alone.  The Chairman emphasised that it was for the Council to do what it could to ensure the viability of the District’s Markets.


Councillor M Pope commented on the success of the contract with Bishop’s Stortford Town Council and whether this model could be applied elsewhere.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy advised that the contract had helped to re-energise Bishop’s Stortford market.  The Town Council had arranged a lot of events and had tried new things to raise the profile of the market and get more people into the town centre.


The Head explained that it was too early to tell if there had been a significant impact on income levels, but overall, the contract had been good for the market.


Members received the report and agreed that the Executive be advised that Community Scrutiny Committee would like Officers to explore the possibility of flexibility regarding the days when the markets operated in East Herts and explore what factors impact most on customer numbers in respect of timing, location, weather, retail offer etc.  Members agreed that a further report should be submitted to the Committee meeting on 22 November 2016.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and


(B)   the Executive be advised that Community Scrutiny Committee would like Officers to explore the possibility of flexibility regarding the days when the markets operated in East Herts.