Issue - meetings

Economic Development 2016/17 to 2019/20 – Options and Opportunities

Meeting: 22/03/2016 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 671)

671 Progress on the Economic Development Vision 2016/17 – 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 188 KB

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The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report updating Members on actions within the newly approved Economic Development Vision for East Herts Council.  The Executive Member for Economic Development and the Head of Communications, Policy and Strategy provided a summary of the report as detailed and referred to the successes and outcomes of some of the priority themes.


In response to a query from Councillor M Pope regarding Wenta and the two-year Service Level Agreement to deliver business start-up advice and support, the Executive Member explained how the impact of Wenta would be evaluated and reviewed.  Members supported a suggestion that this be reported back to them for further consideration.  


Councillor M Pope referred to the need to ensure the vibrancy of the Council’s town centres and that towns and parishes were fully engaged in this approach.  The Executive Member for Economic Development advised that a report would be presented to Members at a future date.  The Head of Communications, Policy and Strategy explained the Council’s role as facilitators in giving support including providing advice and information where it could.  The Leader advised that she and the Chief Executive would be meeting with the five Town Councils shortly to discuss a number of issues, including ongoing vibrancy and supporting the rural economy.  She cited by example, the need to secure broadband in rural areas as a necessary piece of infrastructure.


Councillor M Allen referred to the need to support the rural economy in relation to the Eastern Plateau Rural Development Programme and referred to the funding availability of (Euros) 1.8m.  Officers explained that 26 applications / projects had been received and referred to the difficulty for small businesses, in terms of the complicated administrative process in trying to secure EU funding which acted as a deterrent to many. 


In response to a query from Councillor J Jones regarding a light rail connecting rural towns, Councillor G Jones confirmed the reasons for this not being discussed as a priority theme.


Members received the report and supported a recommendation that the Executive be advised that Members be kept informed when there was a review of the Wenta contract and when there was movement on any of the EU bids.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Executive be advised that Corporate Business Scrutiny be kept informed when there was a review of the Wenta contract; and


(B)   any movement on EU bids be reported to Corporate Business Scrutiny.