Issue - meetings

Training and Development of Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Members and Officers (Report and Presentation

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 447)

447 East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Viewing of Public Health Training pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report and Presentation.

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report supporting the viewing of a recently produced public health film, part of a three-phase training approach for Members and Officers involved with the work of Health and Wellbeing.  The report also sought the wider dissemination of the training film with Members and external partners and the adoption of appropriate public health training and development aimed at mainstreaming the public health role within the Council and its partners.


The Environmental Health Promotion Officer summarised the report and provided extracts from the training film.


Councillor A Alder referred to “Mudlarks” which she said was a fantastic organisation and suggested that its ethos could be replicated in other areas.  The Chairman supported this.


The Chairman encouraged Members to visit  the link in last week’s MIB on “Making Every Contact Count”.   The Environmental Health Promotion Officer gave a summary of this online training opportunity developed by the NHS to ensure that health messages and information on living a healthy lifestyle were passed on when an opportunity arose.


The Committee agreed to the wider dissemination of the film through the Members’ Development Group, external partners and public health promotion channels be supported.  They also agreed to the future adoption of appropriate public health training and development approaches.


RESOLVED – that (A) the wider dissemination of the film through Members’ Development Group, external partners and public health promotion channels be supported; and


(B)   the future adoption of appropriate public health training and development approaches be supported.