Issue - meetings

Shared Anti-Fraud Services (SAFS) Position Statement

Meeting: 18/05/2016 - Council (Item 17)

Shared Anti-Fraud Services (SAFS) Position Statement

Minute 643 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the draft Fraud Sanction and Prosecution Policy, as detailed, be approved to be effective immediately.


(see also Minute 16)

Meeting: 16/03/2016 - Audit Committee (Item 649)

649 Shared Anti-Fraud Services (SAFS) Position Statement (2) pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


The Shared Anti-Fraud Service (SAFS) submitted a report detailing the progress made by the service since its launch in April 2015 and the progress made against its business plan.  The report also outlined the proposed SAFS/EHDC Anti-Fraud Action Plan for 2016/17. The SAFS Officer provided a summary of the report


It was noted that The European Institute for Combatting Fraud and Corruption (TEICCAF) fraud briefing would be reported to a future Audit Committee. 

In response to a query from the Vice Chairman regarding the established target of £100K, the SAFS Officer explained that the target related to 2016/17.


In response to a query from Councillor B Deering regarding criminal and civic prosecutions and the recovery of costs, the SAFS Officer explained that in such situations cases were determined on merit and evidence and that as a first step, fraud had to be stopped with recovery of monies the next step in the process.  He commented that if the Council prosecuted, then information would be publicised which had benefits to the Council as a deterrent against future fraud.  The SAFS Officer explained that not all savings were “cashable” in terms of money being returned to the Council.


In response to a query from Councillor P Kenealy regarding the identified value of fraud for 2015/16 (£601K), the SAFS Officer provided an explanation.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained that the figure shown was based on a detailed calculation made up of different types of fraud.


The Committee agreed the report as now recommended.


RESOLVED – that (A) the progress of Shared Anti-Fraud Service and against the SAFS Business Plan for 2015/16 be noted;


(B)   the SAFS/EHDC Anti Fraud Action Plan for 2016/17 be approved; and

(C)   the TEICCAF Fraud Briefing be reported to a future Audit Committee.


(See also Minute xxx)