Issue - meetings

Developing a New Leisure Strategy

Meeting: 17/11/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 404)

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The Head of Environmental Services submitted a report seeking approval to establish a Task and Finish Group charged with developing a Leisure Strategy.  The report outlined a number of risks and identified key issues which needed to be taken into account in planning future leisure provision within East Herts.  The proposed Terms of Reference for the Task and Finish Group were set out in the report.


The Leisure Services Development Manager gave a presentation outlining the triggers for the development of a Leisure Strategy in order to assess sustainability of the existing facilities, support the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and in terms of looking forward to changing demographics and leisure trends.


Councillor J Jones thanked the Officer for the report and supported the establishment of a Task and Finish Group.  Councillor G Cutting encouraged as many Members as possible to submit their names for consideration on the Task and Finish Group.  Both Members asked that their names be submitted for consideration.


The Chairman explained that the Task and Finish Group should be fairly represented with one representative from each town and one each from a rural area.  She added that it was important to think about the District as a whole.  The Chairman asked Members, including those from Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny, to submit their names to the Scrutiny Officer who would co-ordinate expressions of interest.  The Leader would make the final determination in terms of the Group’s composition.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing commented that Members of the Task and Finish Group needed to keep an independent mind adding that the new contract would commence in two years and that it was important for the Group to look 12 years ahead in terms of health and wellbeing, ageing well and the challenges as a service provider, beyond gyms and swimming.


Councillor N Symonds referred to the number of adults who were classed as obese and stated that the County Council had given them three months free vouchers for slimming groups to get them started.  She referred to the fact that those who were overweight might like to use the swimming pools but were self-conscious and that allowances should be made to allow them to wear t-shirts. 


In response to a query from Councillor J Goodeve regarding monies from the New Homes Bonus to develop new facilities, the Leader explained that it was for the Task and Finish Group to review the Bishop’s Stortford Sports Strategy.


The Committee supported the establishment of a Task and Finish Group charged with the development of a leisure strategy to determine the future of leisure provision and services over the next 10 years.


RESOLVED – that (A) a Task and Finish Group be established to provide advice to Officers on the development of a leisure strategy aimed at determining the future of leisure facility provision and services over the next 10 years; and


(B)       expressions of interest for inclusion on the Task and Finish Group be submitted to the Scrutiny Officer.