Issue - meetings

Review of fees and charges calculations and levels

Meeting: 25/08/2015 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 242)

242 Review of Fees and Charges Calculations and Levels pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report that provided Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee the opportunity to review the current structure of fees and charges within the remit of the Committee.  The views and comments of Members would be taken forward during the process to set next year’s budget.


The Head of Strategic Finance confirmed to Councillor M Allen that some fees and charges were statutory and were set nationally.  He suggested that Members should consider the position at neighbouring authorities and reminded the Committee that amending fees and charges was a Member decision.  The Director of Finance and Support Services reminded Members that every Local Authority had to publish its fees and charges.


The Director and the Head of Strategic Finance responded to a number of questions and comments from Members regarding fees and charges.  The Committee supported the fees and charges within its remit and asked for more detail in respect of usage data against the fees and charges where the Authority had discretion (e.g. hire of rooms).


Members also requested information to give them a better understanding of the full cost of the service for these items.


The Committee supported the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the fees and charges within the remit of Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be supported;


(B)   Members be given more detail in respect of usage data against the fees and charges where the Authority had discretion (e.g. hire of rooms); and


(C)   Members be given information to give them a better understanding of the full service delivery costs of the fees and charges in (B) above.