Issue - meetings

Healthcheck through to June 2015

Meeting: 25/08/2015 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 240)

240 Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck – Quarter 1 – June 2015 pdf icon PDF 300 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report in respect of the finance and performance monitoring for East Herts Council for 2015/16 as at June 2015.  Members were advised that the new version healthcheck report gave a lot more detail and a more complete suite of information.


The Head of Strategic Finance set out a number of minor non-material amendments to the report and referred to the supporting Essential Reference Papers.  He provided a detailed breakdown of the revenue position of the Authority and referred to the new format of the recommendations that were more relevant to the body that was considering them.


The Director and the Head of Strategic Finance responded to a number of queries and comments from Members regarding salaries and earmarked reserves.  Members were advised that monthly reports were received by the Corporate Management Team (CMT).


In response to a request for background information from Councillor M Stevenson, the Director confirmed that the budget for Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) would be overspent by £19k as 4 posts were being funded rather that the budgeted 3 and this was being managed as a pressure within the service.


The Corporate Planning and Performance Manager and the Director responded to a number of Members’ queries regarding East Herts Performance Indicators (EHPIs).  The Director undertook to review if it was possible to further breakdown the information regarding the time taken to process housing benefit new claims and change events, following a request by Councillor M Stevenson.


The Committee commented that extra detail to explain staffing increases would be helpful in understanding why it was happening.  Also, the Committee requested that further details on the actions being taken to regularise over/underspends would also be helpful.  These comments would be forwarded to the Executive.


Members received the report and supported the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (A) has no comments to make in respect of the following:


(1)     the revenue budget forecast overspend of £144k;


(2)     proposed slippage on the following capital schemes:

·              ICT Funding for Applications, £40k ;

·              Disabled Facilities Grant £50k;


(3)     the current explanation for long term trends:

·              EHPI 181 – Time taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events;

·              EHPI 9.5 - Percentage of ICT Calls Resolved at First Point of Contact; and


(B)   supports the approval of the following:


(1)   additional capital funding of £17k for the Grange Paddocks heat exchanger, and;


(2)   carry forward requests from 2014/15 to 2015/16 of £139k; and


(C)   the comments now detailed be forwarded to the Executive.