Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy Action Plan - Annual Progress Report

Meeting: 17/11/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 406)

406 The Draft Housing and Health Strategy 2016 - 2021 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

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The Chairman of Community Scrutiny Committee submitted a report seeking support on a draft Housing and Health Strategy 2016-2021.


The Housing Strategy and Development Manager provided a summary of the key changes to the Draft Housing and Health Strategy 2016 – 2021 which had been given a “light touch” and how this would impact on the Council.  It was noted that new legislation was imminent and would impact on the strategy.  The rationale behind the strategic objectives, short term tasks, and timescales were set out in the report.


In response to a query from Councillor R Henson regarding the consultation document and involving the public, the Housing Strategy and Development Manager explained that a press release would be issued and the document made available online.  This could also be made available in a paper format on request.


In response to a query from Councillor D Oldridge regarding the need to make the issue of affordable housing more robust, the Leader explained that a recent training session on Section 106 Agreements explained the Council’s powers and restrictions in using Section 106 Agreements at the planning stage.  She explained that the new Bishop’s Stortford North development would deliver 30% affordable housing and that the issue of affordable housing was something all local authorities struggled with.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing explained that the document was a basis for consultation and that the new Housing and Planning Bill would change the business model for the Council’s stakeholders such as housing associations, with regard to the requirement to provide starter homes, and more shared ownership homes.


In response to a query from Councillor J Jones regarding the Parish Housing Survey, the Housing Services Manager explained how this would be carried out.


The Committee supported the draft Housing and Health Strategy 2016-2021 for the purpose of public consultation.


RESOLVED – that the draft Housing and Health Strategy 2016-2021 be supported for the purpose of public consultation.