Issue - meetings

East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2014-15 - Year End Work Plan: Progress Report

Meeting: 23/06/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 101)

101 East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2014-15 - Year End Work Plan: Progress Report pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report on the Council’s public health work for the 2014/15 year end associated with the East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Environmental Health Promotion Officer provided a summary of the report as now submitted. 


The Chairman referred to the project “Crucial Crew” and the excellent contribution this had made to the lives of those who had attended the project. 


Councillor D Abbott said that he had visited the Barnabas Centre when one of the “Crucial Crew” meetings had taken place adding that this was a wonderful project made even more fun by the interaction of the volunteers.


Councillor A Alder referred to projects directed at senior citizens and the positive work which had also taken place.  In response to a query from the Member regarding C007 (Assisting with Processing of Disabled Facility Grants (DFG) and why this figure was declining, the Environmental Health Promotion Officer explained that there had been an issue regarding the referral system to Hertfordshire County Council and Occupational Therapist referrals, but this was being addressed.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing stated that he saw all Members as Community Championsand that they should be able to direct those in need to the right channels for help.  He stated that the Head of Community Safety and Health Services would be providing a leaflet for circulation to all Members.


The Chairman stated that minor adaptations such as taps and handrails could be provided by the Council but the more complex issues required referral to Hertfordshire County Council.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy year End Work Plan for 2014/15 be received.