Issue - meetings

General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn 2014-15

Meeting: 08/06/2015 - Executive (Item 59)

59 General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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That (A) the General Fund Revenue Outturn as set out in paragraph 2.2 for 2014/15 be noted;


(B)     the future use of the New Homes Bonus Priority Fund budget as set out in paragraph 2.7 and Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ be agreed;


(C)    the transfer of the underspend in Contingency budget for 2014/15 to the Transformation Reserve as set out in paragraph 2.8 be agreed;


(D)    the level of Reserve Balances at 31 March 2015 as set out within the report be noted;


(E)     the Capital outturn for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.2 be noted;


(F)     capital slippage as set out in paragraph 4.3 be approved; and


(G)    the Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 4.6 be noted.


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report advising the Executive on the General Fund Revenue Outturn for 2014/15, which included explanations for the significant variances against the approved budget.  He also advised Members of the financing arrangements for the 2014/15 Capital Outturn and the planned financing of the updated 2015/16 capital budget allowing for the approved slippage from 2014/15.


The Director of Finance and Support Services reminded Members that the final outturn was subject to external audit and the final audited accounts would be presented for approval to the Audit Committee in September 2015.


The Executive approved the proposals as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the General Fund Revenue Outturn as set out in paragraph 2.2 for 2014/15 be noted;


(B)      the future use of the New Homes Bonus Priority Fund budget as set out in paragraph 2.7 and Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ be agreed;


(C)      the transfer of the underspend in Contingency budget for 2014/15 to the Transformation Reserve as set out in paragraph 2.8 be agreed;


(D)      the level of Reserve Balances at 31 March 2015 as set out within the report be noted;


(E)      the Capital outturn for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.2 be noted;


(F)       capital slippage as set out in paragraph 4.3 be approved; and


(G)      the Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 4.6 be noted.