Issue - meetings

Data Protection - Governance Training

Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)

Data Protection – Governance Training


The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services delivered a brief training presentation to introduce the issue of Data Protection Governance.  He set out the role of scrutiny and provided a definition of Scrutiny and Governance.  He then advised that Members would break out into 3 groups to discuss Governance, the Committee Member role and the Ward Member role with reference to the appropriate data protection issues that might be encountered.


The Director of Finance and Support Services summarised the discussions in respect of data protection and governance.  The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services provided a summary of the discussions in respect of data protection and the Committee Member role.  Finally, the Information and Digital Media Manager summarised the discussion had by Members relating to data protection and the role of the Ward Member.


Officers responded to a few brief questions that were asked by Members.  The Committee received the presentation and the training.


RESOLVED – that the presentation and the training be received.