Issue - meetings

Customer Service Strategy - Project Plan

Meeting: 04/08/2015 - Executive (Item 218)

218 Implementing the Customer Service Strategy pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) the recommendations of Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be received; and


(B)     the outline plan to implement the Council’s Customer Service Strategy as now submitted, be approved.


The Executive Member for Development Management and Council Support submitted a report setting out how the Council will implement the Customer Service Strategy, approved by Council on 4 March 2015.  Members had requested an outline plan of how the Council intended to deliver the approved Strategy, recognising that it was critical for the Council’s continued success in delivering successful outcomes and services.  The plan was detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted.


The Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 14 July 2015, had supported the approach now detailed.


The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the recommendations of Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be received; and


(B)      the outline plan to implement the Council’s Customer Service Strategy as now submitted, be approved.

Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 149)

149 Implementing the Customer Service Strategy pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services submitted a report setting out how the Council would implement the Customer Service Strategy.  The report invited the Committee to comment on the planned approach.


Members were advised that the Strategy had been approved in March 2015 and the Committee was reminded of the increased demand for Council services due to demographic changes, economic challenges and major government initiatives such as Welfare Reform combined with the financial pressures of reduced government grant and the currently fixed (or reduced) Council Tax.


The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services stated that the Authority had to equip itself for the future and Members and Officers needed to work together to think of different ways of managing and delivering services.  He referred in particular, to the vulnerable groups in East Herts that were concentrated in two wards.


Councillor J Wyllie referred to broken links on the Council’s website.  The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services advised that Officers routinely checked the website for broken links.  He confirmed to Councillor Wyllie that social media was not the best channel for service delivery when compared to direct customer contact as the level of contact via social media was very low.


Members were advised that the key services of Development Management, Revenues and Benefits and Environmental Services accounted for two thirds of all Council customer contact.  Members were also advised that 70% of the website’s interactions revolved around development management.    The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services advised that there had been a significant shift towards e-mail contact between 2010 and 2013.


Councillor J Cartwright emphasised the importance of not marginalising the smaller areas of poverty that existed in East Herts.  The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the approach set out to implement the Council’s Customer Service Strategy be supported.