Issue - meetings

CVS Report on Projects commissioned or funded by EHDC

Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 87)

87 Community Voluntary Service for Broxbourne and East Herts - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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The Head of Communications, Engagement and Culture submitted a report providing the first annual overview of the work of the Community Voluntary Services for Broxbourne and East Herts (CVSBEH).  He stated that the CVSBEH had provided a very good service to many voluntary organisations and had undertaken specialist projects on the Council’s behalf.


Ian Richardson, Chief Officer for the CVSBEH explained that a lot had been achieved over the last 10 years and gave a presentation which provided an insight into the work of the organisation, its previous achievements and the day to day delivery of its core services and funding sources.  He explained that the CVSBEH’s Vice Chairman was Councillor A Alder.  Mr Richardson gave a summary of the voluntary organisations, (approximately 300) which worked with the CVSBEH and of the growing number of sports related groups.


In response to a query by Councillor D Oldridge regarding funding, Mr Richardson explained the various sources of funding and income for projects including how non-voluntary staff were paid. 


In response to a query from Councillor R Standley regarding advice sessions, Mr Richardson explained that providing advice was a core service.  A “drop in” advice service was also available once a week.


In response to a query from Councillor J Jones regarding the furniture scheme, Mr Richardson explained how the scheme, based on suitable donations worked, i.e. fire retardant labels needed to be attached to soft furnishings.  He stated that sufficient space to house donated furniture was a constraint. 


In response to a query from Councillor G Cutting regarding electrical equipment, Mr Richardson explained that all equipment, including washing machines were tested before being sold on to those in need.


In response to a query from Councillor M Pope regarding the Bishop’s Stortford Food Bank, Mr Richardson explained how the food bank was established and of the difficulties which needed to be overcome.  He encouraged Members to speak with Officers should there be a need to set up other food banks in the District.


The Head of Communications, Engagement and Culture referred Members to Essential Reference Paper “B” (Service Level Agreement) of the report submitted and the fact that the organisation would invite the Council to nominate an Officer and a Member to sit on its management board. 


Mr Richardson explained that Councillor A Alder already held the role of Trustee and Director of the CVSBEH.  The Leader of the Council referred to possible conflicts of interest should Councillor A Alder remain in that role.  The Leader suggested that any Member expressing an interest to sit on the Management Board should contact the Chairman of Community Scrutiny Committee and the Leader of the Council.


The Committee received the report and recommended to the Executive that the Service Level Agreement as detailed in Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report submitted be approved.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report and presentation be received;


(B)       the Service Level Agreement be supported;


(C)       Members’ expression of interest in taking up the role of Board Member  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87