Issue - meetings

Community Grants review 2014/15 Application and Allocation

Meeting: 16/06/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 88)

88 Annual Report on Discretionary Community Grants pdf icon PDF 334 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report which provided an update of grants allocated between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015.


The Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) provided a summary of the report as now submitted.


In response to a query from Councillor M Pope regarding applications from church based organisations for community activity grants, the Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) stated that faith groups could apply for grants as long as the grant was for a community based activity and not for worship.


In response to a query from Councillor J Goodeve regarding consultation on the proposed changes, the Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) provided a detailed account of the consultation process currently being undertaken through focus groups of interested parties.


In response to a query from Councillor D Oldridge regarding proposed limitations on the Community Activities Pot, the Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) explained that smaller organisations did not have the ability to generate income whereas Parish and Town Councils did.  She explained that many applications for grants were made towards the end of the year.


Councillor J Jones stated that many small organisations did not apply for grants because of the paper work involved, i.e. the need to have a constitution in place.  He suggested that Members should provide help to these groups.  The Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) explained how “mini-grants” worked particularly in relation to those organisations without constitutions.  Councillor R Standley stated that she had been able to source a template for a constitution from the CVSBEH.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing emphasised the importance of networking to help groups and to be proactive in making groups aware.


Councillor K Warnell referred to “casual” grants which Members formerly had discretionary use of.  The Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) encouraged Members to attend the Focus Group meeting in June for further information on how Members could help the grant allocation process.


Councillor C Woodward welcomed the relaxation of the process.  He queried whether priority was being given to rural areas because Town Councils were benefitting from the new Homes Bonus (NHB).  The Engagement and Partnerships Officer (Grants) explained that priority was given to capital grants but that in relation to all other grants, there was no priority for rural groups.


The Leader referred to health and wellbeing in terms of the importance of the “public health district offer” of £10,000 and how this would positively impact on the grant making process.


The Committee received the report and supported the changes as now proposed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the allocation of grants in accordance with agreed policy be supported  agreed and the future inclusion of the “district offer” in the grant making process be noted;


(B)       the process for Community Activities and Small Community Capital grants be relaxed by the exclusion of the need to involve Town or Parish Councils in the process;

(C)       the Community Activities pot be extended to village halls and Parish Councils and used to support  ...  view the full minutes text for item 88