Issue - meetings

External Audit Plan

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 157)

157 External Audit - Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 217 KB


The External Auditor submitted a report outlining the approach of the next Audit Plan in the context of the challenges and opportunities unique to the Council and taking into account key developments, guidance and national audit requirements.


The External Auditor summarised the content of the report now submitted and explained the audit approach ensured compliance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).  She stated that two significant risks had been brought to the Council’s attention in relation to the revenue cycle and that audit procedures had been amended to resolve the issues. 


The External Auditor summarised the results of the interim audit work, walkthrough testing and entity level controls.  Overall, the External Auditor concluded that the internal audit service continued to provide an independent and satisfactory service and contributed to effective internal control and that there were no weaknesses in the audit approach.  One minor issue was commented upon in relation to systems access.  This had subsequently been addressed.


The Chairman referred to Fees and Charges and commented that the External Auditor’s Fees and Charges were the lowest he had seen since serving on the Council.


The Committee agreed the Audit Plan.


          RESOLVED – that the Audit Plan be     approved.