Issue - meetings

2015/16 Service Plan Monitoring – Six monthly report

Meeting: 17/11/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 402)

402 2015/16 Service Plan and Key Projects Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 281 KB

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The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted an exception report which provided a mid-year summary of the Council’s achievements against its priorities for 2015/16 and on key projects.  The Performance Monitoring Officer provided a summary of the report.


Councillor G Cutting referred to action CSH06 – Efficiency (Provide an effective service in dealing with requests for service about Licensed premises, antisocial behaviour and issues dealt with by Environmental Health).  He asked what steps were being taken to ensure that the service was at full strength.  The Director of Neighbourhood Services explained that new software was being rolled out which would improve the efficiency of the service and allow it to respond more quickly to issues.  The Director added that a review had been undertaken of the service and that the action was only slightly off target.


Councillor D Oldridge referred to performance indicator HS01 (Facilitate, support and maximise the provision of additional, appropriate affordable housing in association with developers, registered providers and the Homes and Communities Agency)  and  felt there was a need to pressurise developers in order to achieve affordable housing targets.  The Director of Neighbourhood Services explained that the Council was in a difficult position as it did not develop itself and was completely dependent on the market and the industry to provide housing.  The Director explained that every effort was made via Section 106 Agreements to try to achieve the up to 40% affordable housing target and that East Herts was one of the best performing Councils in the area in this regard.  The Director  further stated that the target had been included in the current Local Plan, but there was no science around the figure and that Members needed to accept that this might not necessarily be achieved. 


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing explained that the provision of housing depended on the viability of the development and that there were legislative issues  emerging which might impact on the Council having to review its affordable housing targets so that these were achievable.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that performance for the period April 2015 to September 2015 be noted and supported.