Issue - meetings

Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck - April-June 2015

Meeting: 01/09/2015 - Executive (Item 253)

253 Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck - April-June 2015 pdf icon PDF 414 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) the comments of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee on the Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck, be received;


(B)     the revenue budget forecast overspend of £144k be noted;


(C)    the proposed slippage on capital schemes of £90k be noted;


(D)    additional funding of £17k for the Grange Paddocks heat exchanger capital scheme be approved:


(E)     the carry forward requests from 2014/15 to 2015/16 of £139k be approved;


(F)     the current explanation for long term trends for:

·                    EHPI 181 – Time taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events, and

·                     EHPI 192 – Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting, be noted;


(G)    action taken to address performance for EHPI 2.6 – Percentage of residual waste (refuse) sent for disposal, be noted; and


(H)    the risk controls be approved.


The Executive considered a quarterly report on performance, finance and risk monitoring for the Council as at June 2015.


The Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee commented that extra detail to explain staffing increases would be helpful in understanding why it was happening.  Also, the Committee requested that further details on the actions being taken to regularise over/underspends would also be helpful.


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services reminded the Executive of the ongoing implementation of the new, integrated finance and business planning process which might change how some information was provided.


The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the comments of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee on the Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck, be received;


(B)      the revenue budget forecast overspend of £144k be noted;


(C)      the proposed slippage on capital schemes of £90k be noted;


(D)      additional funding of £17k for the Grange Paddocks heat exchanger capital scheme be approved:


(E)      the carry forward requests from 2014/15 to 2015/16 of £139k be approved;


(F)       the current explanation for long term trends for:


·                        EHPI 181 – Time taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events, and

·                         EHPI 192 – Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting,


be noted;


(G)      action taken to address performance for EHPI 2.6 – Percentage of residual waste (refuse) sent for disposal, be noted; and


(H)      the risk controls be approved.