Affordable Housing - Amendment to Policy
Note – Members are asked to bring their copy of the Executive agenda to the meeting.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that (A) the changes in national planning policy announced through the Ministerial Statement be noted;
(B) the Council implements a threshold of 5 units or less in Category 1 and 2 Villages, below which affordable housing contributions will not be sought; and
(C) the Council’s policy requirement for the provision of affordable housing in Category 1 and 2 Villages be amended and the revised wording for policy HSG3 (II), (III) and (IV) as set out in paragraph 2.18 of the report submitted, be approved.
As a result, the threshold and requirement for provision of affordable housing would be as follows:
(a) Main Settlements:
Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha
Provision: Up to 40%
(b) Category 1 and 2 Villages:
Threshold: Sites of up to 5 units or 0.17ha
Provision: None
Threshold: Sites of 6-10 units or 0.18 – 0.32ha and a combined gross internal floorspace of less than 1000sqm
Provision: Financial contribution
Threshold: Sites of 11-14 units or 0.33 – 0.49ha or combined gross internal floorspace of more than 1000sqm
Provision: Up to 25%
Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha
Provision: Up to 40%
(see also Minute 569)
559 Affordable Housing - Amendment to Policy PDF 209 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a report that detailed the recent changes in national planning policy relating to the provision of affordable housing and the implications for the Council’s current Affordable Housing policy. He also proposed an amendment to the Council’s Affordable Housing policy.
The Executive was advised that the Government, via a Ministerial Statement, had published new national planning policy on the use of Section 106 planning obligation agreements, with the key change being that, except in ‘designated rural areas’, affordable housing and tariff style contributions should not be sought from development of 10-units or fewer and which had a combined gross floor space of no more than 1000 square metres. The Ministerial Statement had immediate effect, thus necessitating an amendment to the Council’s current affordable housing policy, to ensure that it conformed with the new national planning policy.
Various Members commented and made reference to the Government’s recent announcement on “starter homes”. The Leader explained that its impact on affordable homes policies would not be known until further details of the policy pledge emerged. If necessary, a further review might be required.
The Executive supported the proposed amendment as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the changes in national planning policy announced through the Ministerial Statement be noted;
(B) the Council implements a threshold of 5 units or less in Category 1 and 2 Villages, below which affordable housing contributions will not be sought; and
(C) the Council’s policy requirement for the provision of affordable housing in Category 1 and 2 Villages be amended and the revised wording for policy HSG3 (II), (III) and (IV) as set out in paragraph 2.18 of the report submitted, be approved.
As a result, the threshold and requirement for provision of affordable housing would be as follows:
(a) Main Settlements:
Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha
Provision: Up to 40%
(b) Category 1 and 2 Villages:
Threshold: Sites of up to 5 units or 0.17ha
Provision: None
Threshold: Sites of 6-10 units or 0.18 – 0.32ha and a combined gross internal floorspace of less than 1000sqm
Provision: Financial contribution
Threshold: Sites of 11-14 units or 0.33 – 0.49ha or combined gross internal floorspace of more than 1000sqm
Provision: Up to 25%
Threshold: Sites over 15 units or 0.5ha
Provision: Up to 40%