Issue - meetings

Performance Reporting - Contract Performance 2014/15

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 69)

69 Contract Performance - Environmental Operations 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

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The Head of Environmental Services submitted a report setting out the current performance of the Council’s main environmental management term contracts in relation to Waste Services (Refuse and Recycling, Street Cleaning) and Grounds Maintenance and initiatives which had been undertaken.  He explained that the environmental operations within these contracts included services which were of most concern to local residents.  The Head of Environmental Services stated that, generally, the contract had performed very well last year. 


The Waste Services Manager gave a presentation outlining the roles and responsibilities of both Veolia and John O’Connor, summarising the mains points of each contract in terms of performance, non-compliance and enforcement. 


In response to a query from Councillor K Crofton regarding fly tipping following a reduction in hours by Hertfordshire County Council at various recycling sites, the Head of Environmental Services stated that the figures showed that, overall, there had been a reduction in fly tipping last year.  However, whilst there had been a significant reduction of small quantities of fly tipping, there had been an increase in fly tipping of larger quantities.  These larger fly tips were not materials that business would be able to take to Household Recycling Waste Sites, and therefore, there was no apparent increase from the change in opening hours so far.


Councillor T Page thanked the Officers for the report and asked what the drivers were for improving the quality of service delivery for Grounds Maintenance.  The Head of Environmental Services explained that there were a range of measures of service delivery, one of which was the number of complaints received in relation to services.  Generally, the Grounds Maintenance Contract was performing well.  He further added that the quality of grounds maintenance provision was driven by the contract specification and that, if Members wanted to improve the quality of service, e.g., by an increase in grass cutting frequency or more flower beds, then a decision needed to be taken regarding further investment.


Councillor P Philips asked how recycling performance could be improved in the future.  The Waste Services Manager explained the approach to recycling by Three Rivers Council, which had a higher performance, and the constraints on East Herts regarding those residents who refused to recycle.  He referred to the importance of investment in services and of ongoing education to persuade those residents to recycle.


Councillor C Woodward welcomed the introduction of biannual conservation cuts.  In response to a query regarding contractors using apprenticeship schemes, the Head of Environmental Services confirmed that the Council’s contractors supported apprenticeship schemes and undertook to write to the Member with further information on the numbers employed.


In response to a query from Councillor K Brush regarding the Council’s approach to education in terms of a broader strategy, the Head of Environmental Services explained that there were different strategies regarding litter, street cleansing and waste recycling.  He stated that the Council had delivered a number of campaigns to encourage a change in behaviour on littering, e.g., working with Keep Britain Tidy on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69