Issue - meetings

Resident Permit Parking Scheme Policy

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)

71 Resident Permit Parking Scheme Policy Review pdf icon PDF 162 KB

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The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report setting out the existing policy in relation to the Residents’ Permit Parking schemes, and sought Members’ comments on future policy options, including whether an additional survey of existing schemes needed to be commissioned.


The Parking Manager outlined the Residents’ Permit Scheme adopted in 2003/4 and what parts were amended as a result of decriminalisation legislation.  The Parking Manager explained that the Council was prohibited from achieving a surplus profit in developing resident parking schemes.  Possible options and operational difficulties were considered including that of shared use parking.  Twelve resident parking schemes were currently in existence.  A log of further requests for resident parking schemes was attached within Essential Reference Paper “E” of the report submitted.  


The Executive Member for Economic Development explained that the report had been requested following requests by residents for more schemes.  He referred to the difficulties of parking displacement and overspill in off-street parking.


Councillor C Woodward referred to the lack of business parking in the Southmill Road area of Bishop’s Stortford and suggested more shared space parking.  The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services provided an update in relation to Southmill Road and the possible effects of a “wave” in terms of parking displacement.  He stated that permit schemes worked, but was concerned about the number of requests which had been received and the need to ensure that costs did not accrue to the Council.  He suggested that Members might wish to wait for further information before making a recommendation. 


Councillor K Crofton was happy to hear that the Council was helping residents with parking and added that there was a need to ensure that the area thrived in terms of its visitors.


Councillor A Alder referred to the parking problem in Bishop’s Stortford and suggested that the Council negotiate usage with the football club.  The Leader of the Council stated that this suggestion could present some legal complexities. 


Councillor G Jones referred to an earlier suggestion of a “Park and Ride” outside of Bishop’s Stortford which was later not found to be a viable proposal.


Following extensive further debate, the Committee accepted that there were considerable issues which needed to be taken into account and recognised that the existing policy was no longer adequate.  The Committee confirmed their support of the guidelines set out in the report now submitted and further agreed that a new policy should be developed for consideration by the Executive before any new schemes were agreed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the existing resident permit parking schemes should continue under the current arrangements other than to explore opportunities for shared use parking where appropriate;

(B)       there be no commencement of new schemes until the Council formally adopts a new policy regarding the creation of resident permit zones; and


(C)       the Executive Member for Economic Development be advised of Members’ comments.