Issue - meetings

Anti-Social Behaviour - Crime and Police Act 2014

Meeting: 06/01/2015 - Executive (Item 452)

452 Anti-Social Behaviour - Crime and Police Act 2014 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

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That: the Community Trigger Procedure as outlined in Essential Reference Paper B be noted and supported.






The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment submitted a report which provided a broad overview of a number of the key provisions contained within the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.  He provided a background summary of the report and highlighted the fact that the new Act introduced more effective powers which could be deployed by a number of Authorities to tackle anti-social behaviour and the further opportunities to work in partnership and avoid duplication of effort.  He summarised the new tools and powers.


Councillor E Buckmaster sought clarification in relation to the frequency of Anti-Social Behaviour Action Group (ASBAG) meetings.  The Director of Neighbourhood Services confirmed that these would be held at six-weekly intervals.


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport queried how the requirements of the new Act might impact on general funding.  The Director of Neighbourhood Services commented that the new powers provided a quicker and cheaper process and that he anticipated that the Council would be able to cope within its existing level of resources, but that the Council might need to review at some future point, how it worked co-operatively with its partners.


The Executive approved the Community Trigger procedure as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the Community Trigger procedure as now detailed, be approved.