Issue - meetings

Community Scrutiny Committee - Work Programme

Meeting: 10/03/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 582)

582 Evaluation of Scrutiny and Work Programme for 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

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The Chairman submitted a report evaluating the work programme for 2014/15 and sought suggestions on which to develop a work programme for 2015/16 to be agreed at the next meeting of the civic year.


The Scrutiny Officer provided Members with an “Evaluating Scrutiny” form on which they could comment on last year’s scrutiny process and identify areas of scrutiny for improvement by a deadline of 23 March 2015.  It was noted that, subject to confirmation, there would be a new Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee. 


The Scrutiny Officer stated that as a result of comments to the Executive raised at the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees in February 2015, Community Scrutiny Committee would be given the opportunity of reviewing its Fees and Charges. It was suggested that this be considered at the meeting on 22 September 2015.  This was supported. 


The Scrutiny Officer referred to the need for a Crime and Disorder item for consideration but a subject for discussion had yet to be identified.


The Scrutiny Officer stated that there would be “twilight training” at the start of the civic year on the Choice Based Lettings system to help new Members.


Councillor J Wyllie expressed concern that there had not been an item on the agenda in relation to the outcome of the Market Tendering process.  The Executive Member for Economic Development explained that as the contract had not yet been signed there was no work to scrutinise.  He suggested that this might be added to the Committee’s work programme.  Members supported a suggestion that the work programme should be amended to include the outcome of the Market Tendering process.


Councillor J Wyllie referred to the need to review markets as a whole.  The Scrutiny Officer stated that markets had been looked internally and externally, as part of a Task and Finish Group.  She undertook to review the outcomes agreed by the Task and Finish Group to see if all the work had been undertaken.  The Scrutiny Officer undertook to speak to the Executive Member for Economic Development on this issue and would focus on a date for the markets to be added to the work programme.


Councillor N Symonds stated that Members had visited Riversmead and Circle Anglia Housing Associations but had yet to meet with Aldwych.  She asked that a report arising from those meetings should come to Scrutiny during 2015/16.


The Committee approved the report, as now amended.


RESOLVED – that (A) Members’ comments to be submitted separately as part of the evaluation exercise be used to frame the draft 2014/15 Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report; and


(B)       the work programme, as amended, be approved.