Issue - meetings

Implementation of the ASB, Crime and Policing Act - New Powers

Meeting: 08/06/2015 - Executive (Item 56)

56 The Use and Implementation of the Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 In East Herts pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) authority for setting Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) fee rates be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space;


(B)     to avoid duplication, records of use of these powers be kept by the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Officer; and


(C)    East Herts District Council lead on Closure Notices and Orders for Housing Association properties.


The Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space submitted a report advising that the new Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Crime and Policing Act had come into effect.  The Act had introduced new powers in regards to ASB, dangerous dogs, forced marriage, sexual harm and illegal firearms used by gangs and in organised crime.  It also included changes to improve the provision of services to victims and witnesses.


The Executive Member advised on how the powers had already been used in East Herts and made recommendations on how they could be used in future to ensure the best use of resources and outcomes.


The Executive noted that Community Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting held on 10 March 2015, had supported the proposed recommendations.


The Executive approved the proposals now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) authority for setting Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) fee rates be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space;


(B)      to avoid duplication, records of use of these powers be kept by the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Officer; and


(C)      East Herts District Council lead on Closure Notices and Orders for Housing Association properties.

Meeting: 10/03/2015 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 578)

578 Implementation of the ASB, Crime and Policing Act - New Powers pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Community Safety and Licensing submitted a report on the Use and Implementation of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 and the new powers available to the Council. 


The Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Projects Officer gave a presentation which outlined what the new Act sought to achieve and summarised the six new powers available to the Council in relation to:


·      Civic injunction

·      Criminal Behaviour Order

·      Community Protection Notice

·      Public Spaces Protection Order

·      Closure Notice /Order

·      Dispersal Powers


The ASB Projects Officer explained that the Council, together with the Police, were joint lead agencies for the East Herts Community Safety Partnership (CSP) required by statute, to work together to reduce crime and disorder.


Chief Inspector Gerry McDonald summarised his concerns in relation to Closure Orders and Closure Notices, the limited resources of the Police and the need to work closely with the Council. 


Councillor N Symonds referred to inaccurate information contained in leaflets and on the website about “Community Triggers”.  Officers confirmed that this information had been amended.  In response to a query from Councillor M Wood, Officers confirmed that the “Community Trigger” had been used on three occasions.


Councillor J Jones was pleased to see a reduced number of powers and queried whether any powers were or could be devolved to Towns or Parishes particularly in relation to Public Space Protection Orders.  Officers confirmed that the powers were vested in the District or Borough Councils, as appropriate but that Towns or parishes would be closely consulted. 


In response to a query from Councillor P Moore regarding how closely the Police worked with families and schools particularly in relation to truancy issues, Chief Inspector McDonald confirmed that the Police did work closely with agencies on such matters and referred to the use of “Safety Net”, a web based application which was important in flagging up community and family issues with agencies.   He stated that the East Herts Community Safety Partnership was the only CSP to reduce crime by 10%.


The Chairman, on behalf of Members, thanked the Chief Inspector for attending and for the presentation.


The Committee supported the recommendations as now detailed:


RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that the Committee supports (A) authority for setting Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) fee rates being delegated to the Director of Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment;


(B)       Fixed Penalty Notice income and costs awarded to East Herts District Council at Court being reinvested back into and ring-fenced to the ASB Service;

(C)      records of the use of these powers being kept by the ASB Officer, to avoid duplication; and

(D)      East Herts District Council leading on Closure Notices and Orders for Housing Association properties.