Issue - meetings

External Audit Update Report

Meeting: 18/03/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 596)

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The External Auditor submitted a report setting out the progress made in delivering the External Auditor’s responsibilities in terms of:


·        relevant emerging national issues and developments;

·        challenging questions in respect of emerging issues for Members’ consideration; and

·        Progress against actions agreed as part of last years account closure


Progress as at March 2015, was set out in the report now submitted.  The External Auditor explained that the biggest area of progress was around de-cluttering of the Council’s accounts, with a detailed review having been undertaken of the notes and disclosures and their presentation and results, which would be included as part of this year’s closure process. 


The Chairman stated that the report, as now submitted, referred to scrutiny and the way in which Councils should consider their approach following a national report on governance and scrutiny issues.  The External Auditor added that they felt that although East Herts did not necessarily specifically scrutinise outside bodies or some shared services, it did take the issue of scrutiny seriously and that Members were highly effective at scrutiny.


The Chairman raised the issue of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and what supervisory bodies had been set up.  The External Auditor undertook to investigate this and write to Members.


Councillor M Pope referred to the Local Government review in which areas of concern were mentioned, including dissatisfaction with scrutiny and partnership working.  The External Auditor explained that an inspection of Rotherham Council had highlighted issues concerning scrutiny and partnership working.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained that she considered that East Herts had strong and effective scrutiny arrangements in place including a thorough understanding of governance arrangements.  She stated that scrutiny at East Herts looked at performance measures generally and in relation to shared services, which all fed into at least one main scrutiny committee.


In response to a query from Councillor J Wing, the External Auditor explained the role and remit of Local Public Accounts Committees.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained that this followed on from an independent Local Government Finance review which had considered potential issues around future financing, but that no formal changes had arisen directly out of this review.  As any changes arose, Officers would ensure that they kept themselves fully briefed. When available, this would be circulated via the Members’ Information Bulletin.


Councillor D Andrews stated that Local Public Accounts Committees had a lot of potential and supported its introduction.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the update be received.