Issue - meetings

Training Item - Financial Resilience (Grant Thornton)

Meeting: 21/01/2015 - Audit Committee (Item 484)

Training Item – Grant Thornton (External Audit) National Financial Resilience


The External Auditors delivered a presentation in respect of National Financial Resilience Training and the evolution of Local Government in meeting this challenge.  Members were advised that whilst most Local Authorities had risen to the challenge, more needed to be done in some areas as regards resilience.


The External Auditors detailed the background and the wider picture facing Local Authorities in light of the 2010 and 2013 spending reviews as well as the demographic changes that were increasing demand for services.


The Auditors concluded by setting out bar chart data regarding risk assessments, Financial Performance Indicators, Strategic Financial Planning and Governance, Financial Control as well as the summary position in respect of national results.  Members were also provided with a good practice checklist and details of the financial performance of the NHS by way of a comparison with the financial performance of Local Government.


Members made a number of comments in respect of the presentation.  The Committee received the presentation and thanked the External Auditors for their informative comments.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.