Issue - meetings

Reallocation of ANPR Enforcement Funding

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - Executive (Item 394)

394 Reallocation of ANPR Enforcement Funding pdf icon PDF 149 KB

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That the redeployment of an existing revenue budget for the employment of a Civil Enforcement Officer and car, be approved.


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report seeking approval for the redeployment of an existing revenue budget for the employment of an additional Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO).  This resource would be deployed in certain “hotspots”, such as on school zigzag lines.   


The Executive recalled that on 7 February 2012, it had agreed to extend its Civil Parking Enforcement powers to permit enforcement of specified parking contraventions using an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) equipped vehicle.  Annual funding of £29,000 had been agreed, effective from 2012/13 and an enforcement policy framework was subsequently by the Executive on 4 December 2012.  However, the Government had since threatened to outlaw the use of ANPR cameras for parking enforcement, thus resulting in East Herts suspending the implementation of its mobile, ANPR based enforcement service.  Further legislation was awaited.


In the meantime, the Executive Member proposed using the funding to employ an additional Civil Enforcement Officer as detailed in the report submitted.  He emphasised that the priority was safety and invited Members to identify any areas of concern requiring greater enforcement.


In response to a Member’s question, the Executive Member suggested that an electric car might be cost prohibitive, but that he would raise with Officers.


The Executive approved the proposal on the basis that the CEO would have a car and not a scooter.


RESOLVED - that the redeployment of an existing revenue budget for the employment of a Civil Enforcement Officer and car, be approved.