Issue - meetings

Environment Work Programme 2015/16

Meeting: 17/02/2015 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 535)

535 Evaluation of Scrutiny 2014/15 and Work Programme 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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The Chairman submitted a report reviewing 2014/15 and setting out the future work programme for Environment Scrutiny Committee for 2015/16.


Councillor C Woodward expressed concerns that the invitation for Ward Councillors to play a new role in monitoring the progress of management plans arising from Conservation Area Appraisals would take important duties away from Officers responsible for looking after important buildings in East Herts.  The Chairman advised that this request had come from the Leader of the Council.


In response to a number of comments and queries from Members, the Chairman advised that more details regarding the make-up of the proposed reference groups would be presented to the Committee meeting on 9 June 2015, with the first ‘annual report’ being presented to Members at their final meeting of the 2015/16 civic year.


The Scrutiny Officer invited Councillors to evaluate the work of the Committee from a Member perspective to ensure that the overview and scrutiny function was a Member led process.  Members were asked to pay particular attention to progress against headline actions and targets.


Members were reminded that there would have to be some prioritisation regarding the many items on the work programme in what would be a very busy year for the Committee.  The Scrutiny Officer stressed that the work programme would be influenced by the new administration following the District Council elections in May 2015.  Members were requested to provide the Scrutiny Officer with feedback as soon as possible and not later than the 23 March 2015.


Members were advised that the scrutiny of EHPIs 2.1d and 2.1e would be added to the work programme for the meeting on 9 June 2015.  The work programme would also be amended to include a review of fees and charges for the meeting on 8 September 2015.  A report in respect of community energy would be considered at the meeting due to be held on 23 February 2016.


The Scrutiny Officer further advised that joint working with North Herts Council in respect of waste and street cleansing would have to be considered at the meeting on 9 June 2015 prior to Executive on the 7 July 2015.  The car park management system had to be considered at the September 2015 meeting prior to Executive on the 6 October 2015.  The review of changes to Environmental Crime policies had to be considered on 8 September 2015 to allow consultation to commence in the autumn.


The Committee was advised that the remaining items could be moved subject to the direction of the new administration and the views of the new Committee.  The Chairman commented that the relevant Executive portfolio holders should be invited to contribute to the meetings in respect of a number of items on the work programme.  This was supported.


The Committee approved the work programme, as now amended and detailed.


RESOLVED – that the work programme, as now amended, be approved.