Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Work Programme

Meeting: 26/08/2014 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 210)

210 Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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The Chairman submitted a report setting out the Committee’s future work programme for 2014/15.  The Scrutiny Officer explained that the Work Programme had been added as the last agenda item in order to afford Members an opportunity of adding items discussed earlier on the agenda.  The Scrutiny Officer explained that no items had been identified for the October 2014 meeting of Corporate Business Scrutiny.


In the absence of agenda items, it was suggested that the meeting be used for cross-council training in preparation for the budget setting at Joint Scrutiny in January and February 2015 and that all Members of the Council be invited to attend.  This was supported.


The Committee approved the 2014/15 work programme, as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the October 2014 meeting of Corporate Business Scrutiny be used for wider training and that all Members be invited to attend; and


(B)   the work programme, as now detailed, be approved.