Issue - meetings

Member training: Finance and Decision making - questions to ask when considering the 'business case'

Meeting: 25/11/2014 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 371)

Member training: Finance and Decision making – questions to ask when considering the 'business case' and preparation for budget scrutiny


The Director of Finance and Support Services provided Members with a summary of the issues which needed to be taken into account when making business case decisions and in scrutinising the work of the Committee.  She provided a summary of the issues Officers would take into consideration prior to the submission of a business case to Members.  These included financing options (costs / benefits), timelines and milestones, balancing and profiling risk, budgets and outcomes, links with corporate and strategic priorities and whether a proposal offered value for money.  The Director of Finance and Support Services stated that any proposal needed to be viable, achievable and measurable and within the Council’s powers.


Councillor J Ranger stated that it was also important to consider the impact of not taking a particular course of action.


Councillor E Buckmaster referred to resource implications adding that the Council might be asked to take on a role because another provider  might be failing in their task.  He stated that there was a need to partner with other organisations as much as possible.


The Director Finance and Support Services referred to the information gained from Members following a training event on 21 October 2014.  She stated that a “Preparation Clinic” on budget proposals was being planned to be held the week before the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees to take Members through the report formats as there will be some changes this year in response to Member feedback.


The Executive Member for Community and Partnership Liaison stated that new Members in the new civic year would benefit from the Director’s presentation.  The Director of Finance and Support Services agreed to add the presentation to the Members’ Information Bulletin.


The Chairman commented that from the training session in October, he had learnt that underspends could be “good” and “bad” and that the Council had for the most part, underspent on its revenue and capital budget. 


Councillor J Wing referred to capital expenditure and that there was always an assumption of slippage.


The Chairman, on behalf of Members, thanked the Director of Finance and Support Services for her informative presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.