Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 08/07/2014 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 92)

92 Scrutiny Work Programme pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman submitted a report setting out the Committee’s future work programme for 2014/15.


Members were advised that a further update in respect of the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) settlement could be the subject of an update report to the Committee meeting on 17 March 2015.


The Scrutiny Officer reminded Members that the meeting on 21 October 2014 might be cancelled in favour of a conversation café style budget training event.  The Director of Finance and Support Services suggested the time could be usefully spent on a ‘cross council, prebudget setting’ training event to prepare all Members for the Joint Scrutiny sessions in the new year.  Members agreed to make a final decision on this at their August 2014 meeting.


The Chairman advised that the Leader of the Council had confirmed that he would attend the Committee meeting on 26 August 2014 to answer any questions Members might have on the 4 year strategic plan and the Medium Term Financial Plan.


The Committee approved the 2014/15 work programme, as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the work programme, as now detailed, be approved.