Issue - meetings

Shared Internal Audit Services - Progress Report

Meeting: 24/09/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 260)

260 Shared Internal Audit Services - Audit Plan Update Report pdf icon PDF 335 KB


The Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) submitted a progress report in delivering the Council’s Annual Audit Plan for 2014/15; proposed amendments to the approved 2014/15 Audit Plan; the implementation status of previously agreed high priority audit recommendations and an update on performance management information as at 5 September 2014.


The Principal Auditor (SIAS), provided a summary of the key issues for Members’ consideration.  It was noted that the performance indicator for “Planned Days” was 4% below target but that SIAS had discussed the timings of audits with appropriate staff and was confident that the target would be achieved.  The Principal Auditor (SIAS) referred to older (ICT) recommendations and advised that Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) would be undertaking a business continuity audit to evaluate whether some of the recommendations were still relevant and of the appropriateness of the recommendations. 


The Committee approved the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Internal Audit Progress Report be noted;


(B)       the proposed amendments to the Audit Plan as at 5 September 2014 be approved; and

(C)       already implemented high priority recommendations be removed from the outstanding recommendations template.