Issue - meetings

Hertford Theatre - end of financial year report

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 246)

246 Hertford Theatre – Annual Report pdf icon PDF 182 KB

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The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report on the annual performance of Hertford Theatre for the Financial Year 2013/14, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and the Essential Reference Papers.


Members were advised that this was the fourth annual report and Officers were pleased to advise that the business of the Theatre continued to grow.  The Head of Communications, Engagement and Cultural Services invited the Hertford Theatre management team to update Members in more detail in respect of the Theatre’s business.


The Director of Hertford Theatre advised that there had been several well attended shows and some very strong family audiences at the Theatre.  A particular highlight had been “Billy Goats Gruff” in association with the Hertfordshire Children’s Book Festival.


Members were advised that the Theatre had  established a relationship with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) and live broadcasts of their work had been shown at Hertford Theatre.  There was also an ongoing good relationship with the National Theatre.  The Theatre Director emphasised however that priority was always given to local groups such as the Ware Operatic Society and the Hertford Symphony Orchestra.


The Theatre Director concluded that there was a long standing working relationship with Hertford Regional College and Hertford Theatre.


The Marketing Manager updated Members in respect of the new website, which had been enhanced by the display of video content as well as a wide range of helpful information for visitors.  She stated that the Theatre now had more information on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.  Members were also advised that all of the Hertford Schools had now engaged with Hertford Theatre.


The Front of House Manager referred to the sense of community at the venue.  He stated that the Theatre worked well with local businesses in attracting new audiences.  He also referred to the 80 people who assisted the venue as part of its volunteer programme.  Members were advised that the Theatre received consistently good feedback and the staff who worked there had got to know the audience very well.


Councillor J Mayes stated that she was very pleased by the report and that she endorsed the work of the volunteers at Hertford Theatre.  She also praised the good, all-round achievements of everyone who worked at the venue.  Councillor N Symonds referred to a young student from Bishop’s Stortford who had spoken very positively about the acting training she was receiving at Hertford Theatre as part of her course.


Councillor M Wood congratulated Hertford Theatre for the all-round good news.  He praised the venue for the figures relating to the performance of its cinema programme.  He congratulated the venue on its new seating and queried whether the pantomime budget was in surplus or deficit.


The Theatre’s Director advised that the Pantomime business of the Theatre had delivered a surplus of £18,000.  In response to a query from Councillor Wood, the Front of House Manager explained that, where possible, he tried to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 246