564 Performance Indicator 2014/15 Estimates and Future Targets PDF 245 KB
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That (A) the 2014/15 estimated outturns be noted and the future targets for 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 be agreed; and
(B) the performance indicators listed for deletion and the new performance indicators proposed for 2015/16 be agreed.
The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out the performance indicators the Council was required to publish in its Annual Report. He advised the Executive of estimated performance for 2014/15 and the proposed targets for the next three years. He suggested that it might be timely next year to review which performance indicators added value and were still relevant.
The Executive also noted the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees held on 10 February 2015, which were supportive of the proposed targets. In respect of EHPI 2.1d – Planning Enforcement: Initial Site Inspections, the joint meeting asked that Environment Scrutiny Committee review the matter and consider the raising of the 2015/16 target from 75% mid-year to a higher figure, which the Executive noted.
The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.
RESOLVED - that (A) the 2014/15 estimated outturns be noted and the future targets for 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 be agreed; and
(B) the performance indicators listed for deletion and the new performance indicators proposed for 2015/16 be agreed.
528 2014/15 Performance Indicator Estimates and 2015/16 Future Targets PDF 244 KB
Additional documents:
The Leader of the Council submitted a report advising Members on performance indicators that the Council was required to monitor and publish annually in the Annual Report. The report advised Members of estimated performance for 2014/15 and the targets for the next three years.
Members were advised that the performance indicators supported the Council’s priorities and reflected the intended Service Plan Activity for 2015/16. The Corporate Planning and Performance Manager provided detailed information relating to all of the tables and graphs detailed in the report.
Members were reminded that the Council’s Covalent System monitored long terms trends and there were 16 indicators expected to show a decline in performance over the long term. If performance continued to decline and targets either remained at current levels or increased, 13 of these indicators were at risk of moving to a ‘Red’ or ‘Amber’ status in future.
The Corporate Planning and Performance Manager concluded that targets were generally being met. However, the direction of travel showed that the number of indicators in the short term detailing a decline in performance was increasing and the number of indicators showing an improvement in performance was decreasing.
Councillor J Wyllie expressed concern that the number of invoices being paid on time was declining in the short term. He was particularly concerned that small businesses needed cash flow to survive.
The Director of Finance and Support Services advised that performance remained high in that over 95% of invoices were paid on time. The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that every directorate monitored performance as regards the payment of invoices and this issue was taken very seriously by the Authority.
In reply to a comment from Councillor J Ranger regarding complaints in the context of the ‘Here to Help’ initiative and the importance of taking complaints seriously, the Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services reminded Members that the way complaints were handled had been endorsed by the Council’s auditors and the Authority took the reporting of complaints very seriously. He further reminded Members that the level of complaints was low, especially at Stage 2, so that a change of just one or two cases could make a significant impact on the reported percentage figure.
Councillor J Wing expressed concern that whilst 90% of food establishments in East Herts were broadly compliant with food hygiene law, this meant that 1 in 10 were not. He felt that this figure should be 95% at least. The Head of Community Safety and Health Services stated that this issue was taken extremely seriously and most establishments were of a very high standard. He undertook to take Councillor Wing’s feedback to the relevant Officers.
The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services undertook to provide a written response to Councillor J Jones in respect of the Customer Satisfaction survey of the public regarding the Council’s leisure services.
Councillor Wing stated that he would expect to see a much higher figure than 75% in ... view the full minutes text for item 528