Issue - meetings

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - February 2014

Meeting: 08/04/2014 - Executive (Item 648)

648 Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - February 2014 pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted; and


(B)     the following capital programme changes identified at paragraph 2.21 be approved:


·        Hartham Swimming Pool - request that £11,340 for emergency repairs be brought back from the schemes 2014/15 budget. 

·        Hertford Theatre Seating refurbishment now scheduled for August 2014 - Request for scheme slippage of £109,400 to 2014/15.

·        Pishiobury Park Wetland Habitat – land swap delayed – request for slippage of £12,180 to 2014/15.

·        Town centre Environmental Enhancements – Slippage in schemes due to enable other projects to progress - £66,250 to 2014/15.

·        Various ICT works to be slipped to 2014/15 as agreed by ITSG - £252,960.

·        Bircherley Green MSCP – Major refurbishment – Slippage to 2014/15 pending agreement to transfer car park. 


The Leader of the Council submitted an exception report on performance and finance monitoring for East Herts Council for February 2014.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted; and


(B)      the following capital programme changes identified at paragraph 2.21 be approved:


·                        Hartham Swimming Pool - request that £11,340 for emergency repairs be brought back from the schemes 2014/15 budget. 

·                        Hertford Theatre Seating refurbishment now scheduled for August 2014 - Request for scheme slippage of £109,400 to 2014/15.

·                        Pishiobury Park Wetland Habitat – land swap delayed – request for slippage of £12,180 to 2014/15.

·                        Town centre Environmental Enhancements – Slippage in schemes due to enable other projects to progress - £66,250 to 2014/15.

·                        Various ICT works to be slipped to 2014/15 as agreed by ITSG - £252,960.

·                        Bircherley Green MSCP – Major refurbishment – Slippage to 2014/15 pending agreement to transfer car park.