Issue - meetings

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - January 2014

Meeting: 04/03/2014 - Executive (Item 576)

576 Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - January 2014 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Report to follow

Additional documents:


That (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted; and


(B)     as detailed at paragraph 2.22 of the report submitted;


·                    slippage of £17,840 for Grange Paddocks Renewal of Pool Calorifiers to 2014/15 be approved, as the scheme is still at the design stage; 

·                    slippage of £20,950 from the Community Capital Grants budget to 2014/15 be approved;

·                    slippage of £20,000 for Energy Grants to 2014/15, be approved;

·                    a virement of £31,000 ICT – Authentication Scheme to ICT Applications be approved; and

·                    slippage of £5,000 to 2014/15 for the Arts in Parks Project be approved, due to the impact of current weather conditions.


The Leader of the Council submitted an exception report on finance and performance monitoring for January 2014.


In response to a question by Councillor J Ranger on the slippage relating to Community Capital Grants, Members were reassured that the full budget had been allocated, but that some of the actual expenditure had been phased into 2014/15.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted; and


(B)      as detailed at paragraph 2.22 of the report submitted;


·               slippage of £17,840 for Grange Paddocks Renewal of Pool Calorifiers to 2014/15 be approved, as the scheme is still at the design stage; 

·   slippage of £20,950 from the Community Capital Grants budget to 2014/15 be approved;

·   slippage of £20,000 for Energy Grants to 2014/15, be approved;

·   a virement of £31,000 ICT – Authentication Scheme to ICT Applications be approved; and

·   slippage of £5,000 to 2014/15 for the Arts in Parks Project be approved, due to the impact of current weather conditions.