East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust: Update and Forward Look
To receive a presentation from Nick Carver and Sarah Brierley.
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Nick Carver and Sarah Brierley, East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, gave a presentation, “Changing Times in the NHS”. They outlined the ongoing change programme and highlighted the investment in hospital facilities. They also referred to future improvements and the impact all these would have on reducing mortality rates. Finally, they referred to the positive outcome of the unannounced inspection of the Care Quality Commission in September 2013.
In response to Members’ questions, Nick Carver and Sarah Brierley stated that there was some flexibility at Lister Hospital to handle additional demand arising from anticipated future population growth. They advised that cardiac services would be extended to weekend opening from April 2014 and the McMillan refurbishments at the Lister would be completed in time for opening in June 2014.