Issue - meetings

Service Plan Monitoring - October 2013 to March 2014

Meeting: 10/06/2014 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)

54 Service Plans - End of Year Monitoring: 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 174 KB

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The Leader of the Council and Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services submitted a report on the 2013/14, 2012/13 and 2011/12 Service Plans End of Year Monitoring.  The report provided a summary of the Council’s achievements against its priorities for 2013/14 and of the outstanding eight Service Plans’ actions from 2012/13 and 2011/12.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services explained that the 2013/14 figures had already achieved 62% on items contained within the Service Plans, the majority of the actions with a revised completion date which supported the “Prosperity” priority. In summary, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services said that it was a “good news story”.


In response to a query from the Chairman regarding the objective within Essential Reference Paper “B”, “Reduce Fuel Poverty” and the “Affordable Warmth Strategy “ item within the Work Programme, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed that the latter would include the former when the report came to this Committee in September 2014.


Councillor R Beeching was happy to see the sum of £129,000 being given to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.  The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that the Council had renegotiated with the CAB as part of their re-organisation.  He provided background information about the possibility of providing more base funding to cope with the increase in demand for their services, adding that he believed the CAB in East Herts was one of the best in the County.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the progress made against the Council’s priorities and the status of the outstanding actions detailed against 2013/14, 2012/13 and 2011/12 Service Plan Actions be received.