Issue - meetings

Environment Scrutiny Work Programme 2014/15

Meeting: 10/06/2014 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

48 Environment Scrutiny Work Programme 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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The Chairman submitted a report setting out the future work programme for Environment Scrutiny Committee for 2014/15.  The Chairman referred to the Crime and Policing Act which had gained Royal Assent in March 2014 and of the possible need to review the implications of the new Act at a future meeting of the Committee.  The Head of Environmental Services confirmed that the changes would make a significant impact on the Council and that once further guidance had been received, Officers could move forward.


In regard to the issue of Anti-Social Behaviour, Councillor R Beeching asked  whether there was the possibility of services such as licensing, enforcement and public health working together.  The Head of Environmental Services confirmed that this was in hand.  The Scrutiny Officer confirmed that a review of the joined-up service response to the wider public health agenda was planned for consideration at the Health and Wellbeing Panel on 14 October 2014.


On the issue of grass verge and pavement parking, the Chairman confirmed that Officers were waiting to see whether any work on this issue was going to be carried out by Hertfordshire County Council before reviewing any local response. 


RESOLVED – that the work programme be approved.