Issue - meetings

Update on Implementation of Annual Governance Statement Action Plan

Meeting: 19/03/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 627)

627 Update on Implementation of Annual Governance Statement Action Plan pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report in relation to the 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement and the seven measures to enhance East Herts Council’s internal control framework during 2013/14.


The Manager of Corporate Risk provided Members with an update in relation to two items of slippage in the report.  The first related to the development of an IT Strategy delayed due to priority work being carried out to ensure compliance with the Public Services Network.  Secondly, the review of all shared partnership arrangements had been put back by six months in order to allow the shared IT Service to become further embedded.


Members were advised that Officers had adopted a cautious approach in not moving the status to green within the action plan in respect of the seven measures in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted.  Officers felt that progress was being made in all cases towards a green status.


In response to a query from Councillor J Wyllie, Members were advised that Officers had done all they could to ensure that Section 106 money was spent on appropriate schemes in accordance with the terms of Section 106 agreements.


The Director of Finance and Support Services advised that she had convened a workshop to consider Section 106 spend and future options, to include ways of drawing on other funding to support initiatives.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the progress made against implementing the action plan detailed in the 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement, be received.