Issue - meetings

External Audit Update Report

Meeting: 19/03/2014 - Audit Committee (Item 624)

624 External Audit Update Report pdf icon PDF 144 KB


On behalf of the External Auditor, the Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report on the progress made in delivering the responsibilities of the external auditors.  The report provided a summary of emerging national issues and what the Council might wish to consider as a result of those national issues.


Members were referred to the progress on page 17 of the report for an update in respect of future work due to be carried out by the External Auditors.  Members were advised that the Revenues and Benefits Shared Service had experienced a 70% increase in workload.  The Director believed that the Audit of the 2013/14 Accounts would be submitted to the Audit Committee in September 2014 along with the value for money conclusion.


In response to queries from Councillor M Pope, the Director advised that a majority of the fieldwork conducted by the External Auditors was carried out at the Council Offices.  Members were advised that questions from the External Auditors were occasionally dealt with by e-mail.  The Director stated that the Local Audit and Accountability Act had received royal assent on 30 January 2014.  Members were referred to page 18 of the report now submitted for the key implications of the legislation.


Members were advised that, unlike the current position where East Herts Council was instructed who the external auditors would be, the Authority would take responsibility for choosing an external auditor.  Information on this process would be submitted to Members at a future meeting and via the Members’ Information Bulletin.


Councillor R Sharma sought more information regarding the local government guidance detailed in the report in respect of supporting the UK high streets.  The Director undertook to provide a detailed written response after the meeting.  Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.