Issue - meetings

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - October 2013

Meeting: 09/12/2013 - Executive (Item 410)

410 Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - October 2013 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted;


(B)     £15k of the planning contingency budget being used for joint enforcement manager role, as detailed at paragraph 2.9 of the report, be noted;


(C)    the transfer of any underspend in 2013/14 on the priority spend budget to the new homes bonus priority reserve, as detailed at paragraph 2.12 of the report, be supported;


(D)    the slippage of £0.777 million of capital schemes to 2014/15 be supported and the budget adjustment for Community Capital Grants, as detailed at paragraphs 2.25 and 2.26 of the report, be agreed; and


(E)     £45,000 capital budget for property Investment, as detailed at paragraph 2.27 of the report, be approved.


The Leader submitted an exception report on the finance and performance monitoring for East Herts Council for September 2013.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED - that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report be noted;


(B)      £15k of the planning contingency budget being used for joint enforcement manager role, as detailed at paragraph 2.9 of the report, be noted;


(C)      the transfer of any underspend in 2013/14 on the priority spend budget to the new homes bonus priority reserve, as detailed at paragraph 2.12 of the report, be supported;


(D)      the slippage of £0.777 million of capital schemes to 2014/15 be supported and the budget adjustment for Community Capital Grants, as detailed at paragraphs 2.25 and 2.26 of the report, be agreed; and


(E)      £45,000 capital budget for property Investment, as detailed at paragraph 2.27 of the report, be approved.