Issue - meetings

Report on Licensing Activity – Quarter 2 of 2013

Meeting: 07/11/2013 - Licensing Committee (Item 346)

346 Report on Licensing Activity – Quarter 2 of 2013 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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The Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on processing licences, enforcement activity and the implementation of the Service Plan for Quarter 2, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.


Members were advised that, under the licensing points system, a total of 77 points had been issued to 32 licence holders between 1 April and 30 June 2013.  This formed part of the Council’s continued efforts to improve standards and behaviour amongst taxi drivers and proprietors.


In response to a query from the Chairman, the Senior Specialist Licensing Officer undertook to circulate information regarding the Licensing Points policy that related to taxi drivers.  This information would detail the grounds on which the Authority could issue points and the number or range of points that could be applied.


Members were advised that this information was particularly relevant as there were a number of cases on the Licensing Sub–Committee agenda for 19 November 2013, where taxi drivers had accumulated points via the penalty points scheme.


Councillor B Wrangles raised the issue of taxi drivers parking on pavements in Bircherley Green, Hertford and causing an obstruction.  The Chairman confirmed that Councillors B Wrangles and Mrs R Cheswright had raised this issue on a number of occasions.


Councillor P Ruffles stated that some form of widely used sanction or discipline was needed to prevent this practice continuing.  The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that the police would be very unlikely to get involved with parking enforcement issues.  He undertook to liaise with the Executive Member for Economic Development in respect of the possibility of a financial penalty for taxi drivers who continually parked on Bircherley Green. 


Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.