Issue - meetings

Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Meeting: 11/12/2013 - Council (Item 415)

Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Minute 315 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport updated Members clarifying the request from the Parish Council for a boundary change to include the land known as The Dell and not land to the west of Acorn Street, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper of the report submitted.  Officers had considered this request and concluded that no change was necessary to the boundary as proposed, as this line represented a clear demarcation between the built form of the historic core and the modern development to the west.


RESOLVED – that (A) the responses to the public consultation be noted and the Officer responses and proposed changes to the Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal be agreed;


(B)      authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, to make any further minor and consequential changes to the Appraisal which may be necessary; and


(C)      the Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal be adopted.


(see also Minute 414)

Meeting: 05/11/2013 - Executive (Item 315)

315 Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a report on the Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal following public consultation.  He detailed the outcome of the public consultation in the report now submitted.


The Appraisal identified the special character of the Conservation Area together with the elements that should be retained or enhanced and those which detracted from the identified character.  Once adopted by the Council, the Appraisal would become a ‘material consideration’ in the process of determining planning applications.  It would also link into the development of neighbourhood planning.


The Executive Member advised that there were two outstanding issues to be resolved and for this reason, he recommended delegating authority to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, to make any further minor and consequential changes to the Appraisal which may be necessary.


Councillor M Newman, as the local ward Member, expressed his appreciation to Officers, local residents and the Parish Council for their contribution.


The Executive supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the responses to the public consultation be noted and the Officer responses and proposed changes to the Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal be agreed;


(B)      authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, to make any further minor and consequential changes to the Appraisal which may be necessary; and


(C)      the Hunsdon Conservation Area Appraisal be adopted.