Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Meeting: 12/11/2013 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 352)

CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy): The position in East Herts

A Presentation by the Head of Planning and Building Control and Director of Neighbourhood Services


The Head of Planning and Building Control gave a presentation updating Members on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).


Members were advised that the Council had yet to make a decision on whether to adopt a CIL and that the first step in the process, was to ensure that the Council had in place, a recognised District Plan.  The Head of Planning and Building Control explained what a CIL was, what it tried to achieve and how this affected other funding streams such as Section 106 Agreements and the New Homes Bonus.


The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that developing a strategy for a CIL, should the Council wish to progress it, was a highly complicated process and that, once the District Plan was in place, then it was about identifying an infrastructure the Council wanted to deliver in relation to that District Plan.  The complications of finding the right financial balance to encourage private developers to come forward were recognised, together with the restrictions on which funding streams could be used to secure development.


The Head of Planning and Building Control explained the steps in the process in terms of producing a preliminary draft charging schedule, what this was and how this worked.  This would then be sent out for consultation and independent examination.  He reiterated that once the District Plan had been submitted for consultation, the feedback would be analysed and used to cost out a CIL.  It was noted that the Council was not obliged to proceed with a CIL. 


Councillor L Haysey sought clarification on the percentage calculation of the CIL awarded to Councils bearing in mind the requirement that Towns and Parishes should receive 25%.  The Head of Planning and Building Control acknowledged there was a need to find out what Towns and Parishes were trying to achieve in their areas but that that this issue needed further clarification from the Government.


Councillor E Buckmaster suggested that the Council should seek within its CIL specification, whatever was necessary to fulfil the needs of any large scale future development.  The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that the Council could not seek to fund the same infrastructure from both a CIL and Section 106 agreement, i.e. not for the same purposes.  He further explained the difficulties associated with producing a District Plan up to the year 2031 including the difficulties faced with costing infrastructure needs so far into the future.


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching regarding funding schemes via Section 106 Agreements and the New Homes Bonus, the Head of Planning and Building Control explained how the process worked in terms of large scale infrastructure developments and how localised infrastructure could be funded.  He also told Members that from April 2015 it would not be possible to ‘pool’ more than five separate Section 106 funds together for a single infrastructure purpose.


Councillor M Newman expressed concern at the possibility of losing control over local infrastructure if persuaded to do so  ...  view the full minutes text for item 352