Issue - meetings

Developer/Landowner Questionnaires and ATLAS Meetings

Meeting: 11/12/2013 - Council (Item 420)

Developer/Landowner Questionnaires and ATLAS Meetings

Minute 320 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the responses to the Developer Questionnaires (including subsequent information supplied), and the meeting notes between ATLAS and developers and/or their representatives, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the preparation of the District Plan.


(see also Minute 414)

Meeting: 05/11/2013 - Executive (Item 320)

Developer/Landowner Questionnaires and ATLAS Meetings

Minute 14 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive considered and approved the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel, at its meeting held on 3 October 2013, on the Developer/Landowner Questionnaire and ATLAS meetings.


RECOMMENDED – that the responses to the Developer Questionnaires (including subsequent information supplied), and the meeting notes between ATLAS and developers and/or their representatives, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the preparation of the District Plan.


(see also Minute 325)

Meeting: 03/10/2013 - District Planning Executive Panel (Item 14)

14 Developer/Landowner Questionnaires and ATLAS Meetings pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a report setting out actions taken to date to obtain pertinent information from relevant landowners/ developers/ agents with an interest in land in the shortlisted Areas of Search to establish deliverability.  It also sought approval for the information received forming part of the evidence base to inform and support the preparation of the District Plan.


Details of the questionnaire responses were set out at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted.  In respect of the meetings between ATLAS and representatives of land submissions at various locations detailed at paragraph 2.12 of the report submitted, Officers advised that in respect of part of Area of Search 61, Hatfield Estate (26/004), the seeking of additional information had previously been anticipated to be undertaken via a telephone conversation, but would now be subject to a meeting.  The notes of the meeting would be added to the website in due course.


The Panel supported the recommendation as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the responses to the Developer Questionnaires (including subsequent information supplied), and the meeting notes between ATLAS and developers and/or their representatives, be supported as part of the evidence base to inform and support the preparation of the District Plan.