Issue - meetings

District Plan – Update Report

Meeting: 11/12/2013 - Council (Item 419)

District Plan – Update Report

Minute 319 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) the latest evidence supplied by Hertfordshire County Council in relation to schools planning, be noted, and an ongoing commitment to urgent joint working be supported;


(B)   the proposed approach to the preparation of an Infrastructure Topic Paper, followed by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan based on a specially commissioned delivery study, be supported; and


(C)   the latest national guidance, including that in relation to the importance of meeting housing needs within each housing market area, be noted.


(see also Minute 414)

Meeting: 05/11/2013 - Executive (Item 319)

District Plan – Update Report

Minute 13 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive considered and approved the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel, at its meeting held on 3 October 2013, on the District Plan - Update Report.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the latest evidence supplied by Hertfordshire County Council in relation to schools planning, be noted, and an ongoing commitment to urgent joint working be supported;


(B)      the proposed approach to the preparation of an Infrastructure Topic Paper, followed by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan based on a specially commissioned delivery study, be supported; and


(C)      the latest national guidance, including that in relation to the importance of meeting housing needs within each housing market area, be noted.


(see also Minute 325)

Meeting: 03/10/2013 - District Planning Executive Panel (Item 13)

13 District Plan – Update Report pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report setting out the progress towards finalisation of a development strategy for the District.  The report provided an update to the Stepped Approach as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report now submitted.  The Panel also noted the updates in relation to Infrastructure, ATLAS and Planning Practice Guidance.


Kate Ma and Andrea Gilmour of Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) were in attendance to answer questions on HCC’s response to demand for primary and secondary school places in the District.


Kate Ma reminded Members that, in respect of admissions, HCC’s role was a commissioning one and could not direct admissions.  She outlined the current position regarding schools provision in Bishop’s Stortford and the significant work undertaken on the potential for expansion on existing  sites as well as potential future sites.  The Panel noted that all the secondary schools in Bishop’s Stortford managed their own admissions.  She commented that the task was challenging, especially given the lack of capital to fund new places.


Various Members commented on the unsatisfactory information coming forward in respect of schools provision in Bishop’s Stortford.  The uncertainty relating to the Bishop’s Stortford North applications was also discussed.  The Panel Chairman emphasised the need for any housing development that might come forward in any part of the District to be sustainable.


In respect of Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted, the Panel noted that the reference to “safeguarded” dwellings in the Buntingford section should be deleted.  Councillor S Bull questioned the narrative in this section and commented that a robust Town Plan existed.


In response to Members’ comments and questions on funding, Kate Ma referred to the Primary Expansion Programme and the importance of Section 106 funds.  However, total funding was insufficient to achieve everything that was needed.


Whilst acknowledging HCC’s difficulties, Members expressed concern that key infrastructure could not be delivered, thus impacting on the District Council’s ability to progress its District Plan.  The Panel Chairman summed up the District Council’s view as looking to HCC urgently to provide a more robust position.


The Panel was requested to consider an amended recommendation (A) to reflect an urgent ongoing commitment to joint working with HCC. 


The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the latest evidence supplied by Hertfordshire County Council in relation to schools planning, be noted, and an ongoing commitment to urgent joint working be supported;


(B)      the proposed approach to the preparation of an Infrastructure Topic Paper, followed by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan based on a specially commissioned delivery study, be supported; and


(C)      the latest national guidance, including that in relation to the importance of meeting housing needs within each housing market area, be noted.