Issue - meetings

Draft 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 243)

243 Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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The Leader of the Council submitted a report setting out the 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement and the 2013/14 Annual Governance Statement Action Plan, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted and within the Essential Reference Papers. 


The Manager of Corporate Risk drew Members’ attention to the amendments which had been made and shown as “red” within Essential Reference Paper “B”.  He explained the background and the significance of the changes which had been made.  Seven significant governance issues had been identified in the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan which would continue to be monitored by Audit Committee, the detail of which was set out in Essential Reference Paper “C” of the report now submitted.


The Committee approved the Annual Governance Statement and Annual Governance Statement Action Plan.


RESOLVED – that the Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 and Annual Governance Statement Action Plan 2013/14 be approved.